Affiliate Marketing Basics | Best Advice For 2023

Affiliate Marketing is growing every year and 2023 is no exception.

Predictions are that affiliate marketing spending in the US will grow to $6.8 billion by 2023 (a 10.1% increase from 2015). The earning potential is enormous for those marketers who can rise to the top of the industry.

As the affiliate marketing business continues to grow and with the expansion of marketing to smart devices it will only become more popular.  Imminent growth means affiliate marketing will continue to offer a clear-cut and guaranteed way to earn extra income in the future.

Potential affiliates concerned about the longevity of the market can therefore have peace of mind as they jump on the affiliate marketing business model.

Affiliate Marketing Basics

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online from your blog. It allows you to add a steady income stream to your blog’s monetization strategy.

Why should you consider Affiliate Marketing as a way to make money?

Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Passive income
  • Work at home
  • Set your own hours
  • Work from anywhere
  • Low start-up cost
  • Make money while you sleep

Now that we know some of the benefits of affiliate marketing:

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

By definition, “affiliate marketing is a referral arrangement in which an online retailer (advertiser) pays you a commission when a buyer (customer) purchase their product from your referral link.”

Affiliate marketing is a hands-on approach to marketing. You first find a product or service that you believe will be helpful to your buyer.  Then, you strategically add that product in your blog posts and other areas of your site, so buyers can purchase the product using your referral link.

However, before all that happens, you have to joined the company’s partner program (also called Affiliate Program).  Once you become an affiliate, you will receive a unique affiliate ID from the company. You use this affiliate ID as a link in your blog post writings (content or copy).


You promote the product by offering an in-depth product reviews, personal experience, idea of use and other peoples comments.  You make a recommendation in your articles or display banner ads or email or newsletter and social media sites.  All traffic you send to the merchant website with your unique ID will be tracked.

An Example

An example might be Nike Shoes.  You have decided to become an affiliate for Nike Shoes.  In your blog, you write about the benefits of Nike Shoes.  Your personal experience or how others are using Nike shoes.

Within the blog you add a link to Nike.  Your link is your “Affiliate ID.”  When the customer clicks on the link and purchases the product Nike sends you a commission check for the sale.



Another example may be instead of a “product” base you have become an affiliate of a “training or affiliate program” in which you are promoting their program.

An example of this is, I’m an affiliate of several companies including Wealthy Affiliate.  I promote Wealthy Affiliate and provide a link within my blog to Wealthy Affiliate such as:


I hid this ID link within the “words” I’m using, when I write about affiliate marketing or related subjects.  When you click on that “word” you will be taken to Wealthy Affiliate and the “Join” membership banner. 

Click here  Wealthy Affiliate  and see how this works.   

Now I may not say Wealthy Affiliate all the time.  I may say:  Affiliate Marketing, Affiliate Training, or any other “words” in which I want the reader to click on.

The same for Nike or any other product your promoting.

When a potential customer click on the link I receive a commission upon their purchase.

That’s The Basics Of Understanding How Affiliate Marketing Works!

To read more, I suggest reading:

Affiliate Marketing Part 1 | How To Get Started

Affiliate Marketing Part 2 | How To Get Started And Benefits

Wealthy Affiliate |  Amazing Resource For Learning Marketing Skills

Affiliate Marketing Best Advice For 2023

Affiliate marketing is growing every year and is one of the best ways to monetize a blog, and the most successful marketers (you and me) are selective about the brands they promote. This helps to establish authenticity and build trust among their readers and followers.

Social media also continues to grow in importance and usage, allowing affiliates more and more ways to promote products. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are all popular channels for affiliate promotions.

With 2022 already here and the affiliate marketing business model continues to grow as mention above what advice can I give you for this year?

1. Choose good products and companies to promote.  More and more products are becoming available to the affiliate marketer than ever.  This trend will continue.

2. Offer highly useful and valuable content in your blog.  Simply writing a blog post about a product with little valuable content will not survive 2022 and beyond.  Taking time to create valuable content will require the affiliate marketer to think a lot longer, but the extra time to produce helpful useful content will payoff in the end.

3. Keep your audience in mind and what they are buying.  Marketing to everyone is marketing to know one.  The smart affiliate marketer will know who they are marketing to and why.

4. Go mobile:  Mobile affiliate marketing has become increasingly more important over the past few years. As of 2019, over 63.4% of people use their phone to access the internet. That number continues to grow, brands and publishers focus more and more attention on mobile content and mobile ads

5. Voice searching will increase:  As the use of Amazon Alexa, Cortana, and Siri grows.  According to experts, in 2020 at least 50% of all searches on the internet will be voice based. Gartner said that 30% of all searches will be done on a device without a screen in 2022.

6. Increased need for mobile-friendly content:  Google Analytics report indicates that 40% of online transactions are done on mobile devices. Also, 70% of mobile searches lead to an action or purchase within an hour. That fact will force affiliate marketers to optimize their content for better mobile use.

7. Expect retailers to utilize Affiliate Marketing even more:  Affiliate marketing and online retailing are a natural partnership. We expect to see even more online businesses working with affiliate marketers as we move into 2022 and beyond.

8. Push Traffic will slow down:  Google Chrome has made it easier for consumers to stop pop-up and push notification ads. Consumers are becoming frustrated with these ads and the more they opt out of them, the less relevant they will be.

9. Businesses will devote more of their marketing dollars to Affiliate Marketing:  Business have seen affiliate marketing grow.  Affiliate marketing and email marketing account for 16% of all e-commerce transactions in the U.S. and Canada. With these growth rates, we expect that a greater share of advertising dollars will go to affiliate marketing programs.

10. Video Content and Images will grow  It is predicted that written content will play second fiddle to video and image content.  People today don’t have the patience to read a full feature length article to gain information.

They’d rather read an infographic image or better yet, a video on a topic they want.  This why YouTube has become one of the top sources for people looking for products, product review, information and entertainment.  It’s very important, in 2022 for affiliate marketers to start shifting to more image and video-centric content rather than traditional articles.

In Summery

These 10 items are the future.  These are trends that are already here or will become true in 2023 and beyond.  You have to adapt your marketing starting today!

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to monetize a blog and the most successful affiliate marketers are selective about the brands they promote. This helps to establish authenticity and build trust among their readers, customers and followers.

Social media also continues to grow in importance and usage.  This allows affiliates more and more ways to promote products. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are all popular channels for affiliate promotions.  Keep up with the changes to these social media sites.

Here’s the best part….You just read marketing trends and best advice for 2023 and you now have a chance to act on the information before your competition.

I would like to see you not only succeed with this business, but I want you to beat your competition.

I firmly believe you can.

Whether you are an experienced marketer or just starting your affiliate marketing business, with very little to no money you can succeed in this business!

And to help you with your success, I highly suggest you become a member in the most powerful affiliate marketing training program available and FREE to get started.

Click on the BANNER to gain access to this program.

Thanks for reading,







About the Author


Bill Fletcher is a long time marketer and coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a business through a systematic approach to success. Affiliate Marketing 100 will guide you with the help of some of the best articles and coaching program available anywhere. We train you in all categories of business building and success management.

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